Monday, August 17, 2009

Growing boys, Growing Cervix!!

Today was one of those remarkable appointments where there was good news all around! They usually measure my cervix last, after the growth scan of the boys, but I begged them to do it first today since it would determine whether or not I would be admitted to the hospital. So they did it first and it was measuring 2.6 - 2.9! It has grown a whole 2-3 mm since Friday. Hooray for another week (or more) at home!

Dr. P reminded me that it can change quickly, so bring my bag again on Friday. I will be seen twice a week from now on which is awesome for a Wemberly like me. I kept asking her, "Do you think they'll survive?" to which she said, "Well, they aren't going to be born this week probably." I have never been able to get her to say, "YES! They are going to make it!" which my husband and mom remind me she could get sued for saying, but STILL. I would love some kind of firm reassurance from her, but she seems to take it a week at a time. I said, "I did get a negative fFN (which gets us to 26 weeks) on Friday, and we know 26 weeks is better than 24..." waiting for her to say, "You'll get past 26!" but she just said, "That is true." She is such an amazing doctor, and I truly love her conservative approach, except when it comes to my constant need for reassurance.

The boys look great. Their fluid remains even and adequate and there are still no signs of TTTS! Their weights were all very close to each other and are all in the 50th - 60th percentiles.

Baby A: 1 lb, 9 oz
Baby B: 1 lb, 7 oz
Baby C: 1 lb, 8 oz

= 4.5 lbs of baby inside of my belly!

The sonographer was the most efficient one I've seen! She was not only quick at getting all the required measurements, but stopped whenever we saw something cute to print pictures. She also did 4D on A and C (B was hiding his face behind A) which was amazing. They are filling out already!

I know these can be hard to distinguish, but here they are:

A with his arm curled up and hand by his face- it looks like he is flexing!

Here is C's little nose and mouth (no hole in his head, it is just the way 4D looks):

Very grateful for our healthy boys and slightly more cooperative cervix!


  1. best news of the day :) handsome little men you have there :)

  2. Ok Carrie - good news on the cervix but remember to still lay very low!!! I have been thinking about u and trying to get used to what I might have ahead of me...

    Later - Lacy (florida preg with triplets)

  3. Yay!! Another big achievement! Boys look great! Can't wait to learn their names.

  4. YAY!!!! Such perfect, hefty babies!!! And a great cervix, I am so thrilled!

    I had a consult with neonatology today. Talk about a downer. They give the stats on multiples at 24w and I really wish I hadnt had the consult. It rained all over my happy parade. But, the info has to be given, so...

    But still, I know my twins and your boys are going to be great! They are not just going to survive- they are going to thrive!

    So happy for you!!!!!

  5. HURRAY!!! I love reading your posts; keep updating us!

  6. YAY!!!! WTG cervix for behaving! Those are great 3D pics. There faces look so sweet and peaceful. At 24 weeks, two of mine were at 1 lb 7oz and one was 1 lb 8oz. Great weights mama!!!

  7. Hallelujah!
    Three (one for each boy) cheers for a growing cervix!

  8. Gah! That's wonderful news! Can we get a round of applause for the growing cervix? w00t

  9. what wonderful news!!! keep taking it easy... :)

  10. That is so encouraging! First post of yours I read I cried and cried , but this is just so wonderful!

    Their Pic's are incredible!

  11. So glad it went well today! Everything you have been doing is paying off-keep it up! :)

  12. OH MY GOODNESS! That is such fantastic news!!!!!! YAY!!! Have you picked out names yet?

  13. Great ultrasound! Guess packing that bag and taking it along worked?? :)

  14. That's great news! Keeping you and the boys in my prayers for many more weeks ((HUGS))


  15. YAY CARRIE! You go girl! I'm so happy to hear such a good update! See, I KNEW you could do it! My app. is Wednesday, I'm hoping my cervix is still behaving. :).

    I'd dying to hear some names too. Did you choose yet?

  16. That is such great news! Hope your cervix has a good influence on mine and the peer pressure makes mine grow too.

    I'd rather have a conservative but realistic doctor than one who gives false promises, like my RE with his constant, "Let's get you a baby!" or referring to embryo photos as "the first pictures for the baby book." Or the midwife last week who said, "We're going to get these babies all the way to full-term." I'd rather be scared with worst case scenarios than lied to.

    I'm sure your daughter is happy to have at least one more week at home with Mommy!

  17. WOOHOO! Oh my gosh I'm so happy to hear about the longer cervic measurement! What a wonderful appt. That's right boys, stay in there! :)

  18. Yay - great news! The boys are so cute!

  19. SO thrilled for you. I know that after many disapppointing appts it is SO refreshing to get all good news! I know what you mean about the reassurance.. I need that too! I got 2 lines last night and I am still taking tests every day and will continue to do so until my BETA on Friday. I am a FREAK!

  20. all good news, yeyyy! boys look so cute :)

  21. Oh my gosh, I just love their little faces! I saw them right away, no explanation needed for moi. And they are plumping up so nicely! Great job, mama!! You rock! And I really think that my Joan Jett scared your cervix into submission. I mean, it was rather ferocious, don't you think? :)

    I am so happy for this fantastic news. Sending you many hugs!!! xoxo

  22. That is great news and amazing pics!!

  23. awesome news! So happy for you!

  24. HOORAY! I"m doing a little dance for you right now. :)

  25. Great news!! The boys get cuter everyday;) ((HUGS))

  26. Great news!! Don't you love those kinds of appts?

    I love the 4D pictures. I really wish my doc's office did those.

    Stay well rested. I'm rooting for you!

  27. Three cheers for an awesome appointment!! Your cervix is awesome, I am so impressed. And the boys, absolutely adorable.

    It's a scary time but every day brings you closer to healthy babies!

  28. The boys look gorgeous! and their ears look perfectly developed :) they WILL listen and stay for a good chunk of time longer. Good job momma!

  29. YAY for a wonderful appointment! I am so proud of your cervix! hehe. That's a lotta baby in there! I am so proud of you. You are doing such a good job incubating! I'm getting all caught up on commenting finally! AND we can chat more now that I am connected!! Yay.

  30. Hey - haven't heard from you all week. How is everything going? I'm thinking about you! Take care!
