Friday, March 27, 2009

Beta is in...

And I am PREGNANT!!!!!!

I was seen again this morning for the worsening OHSS and they did my Beta HCG three days early, at 7dp5dt. It was 80.5! She said that is great and they'd like to see it between 50-80 if the test was three days from now, so it is a strong number since I tested early.

I will be going back on Sunday to ensure it doubles and possibly also having a paracentesis in which they drain the fluid that is pooling in my abdomen out. Supposedly, this helps ease pain and can temporarily make me feel better. I can barely button my pants, sleep, or take a deep breath, but who f-ing cares? I AM PREGNANT!

I am so grateful. Grateful beyond words.* I am so grateful to our family and friends, IRL who have watched A, helped at the house and supported this process. I am also so happy to have you, my Internet friends, who are a constant source of reassurance and comfort. Thank you.

Off to go elevate my legs and pretend that the OHSS belly is in fact a baby belly... it kind of is now!

*Okay, a little scared. After so many losses, it is hard to only be excited... but that is what I mostly am. :)


  1. not sure how i found your blog but CONGRATS!

    i had OHSS with my two prior pregnancies...but nothing like you are describing. i can only imagine the kind of pain you are in...hang in there!

    congrats again!

  2. Holy shit! (Pardon my foul mouth.) I am so excited for you! Congratulations and many, many sticky vibes coming your way.

  3. My fingers are crossed for you. I hope this is it!. Sending lots of good thoughts your way.

  4. Yay! I told you I would be checking back in... and good news! I can't wait to hear your 2nd beta!

  5. So happy for you, C! Sending lots of love and hugs to you. Congratulations!!! ~Dakota

  6. Yaaaay!!!

    I'm so happy for you. I had a feeling your OHSS was a good sign. That's a really strong beta number too.

    Congrats! Today is a good day.

  7. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I almost shouted when I read that first line...didn't want my husband to think I was crazy:) I'm sooooooo excited for you honey!! CONGRATS!!! Enjoy every minute of it. I hope to be following you soon!!

  9. Great news!!! Such a blessing. Hope you're feeling better very, very soon. ICLW.

  10. Congrats!!! That's awesome! Yikes about the paracentesis...hopefully it will make you feel better.

  11. Congrats! OHSS is why we decided not to continue on the ttc journey. lol!


  12. WOWza~ That is some beta! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hope the sitting with feet up helps to alleviate the OHSS...!!!

  13. Congrats, Congrats, Congrats! I've been thinking about you all day and hoping you got some good results! I hope the parencentesis at least helps you feel a little better for awhile. I'm so happy for you!

  14. Thank you so much for the comment on my blog. I've had a different kind of struggle these days and that somehow makes grieving more difficult because it gets pushed aside.
    I was happy to click over to your blog and see that you are pregnant. Yay! That is wonderful. I'm here praying for you and thinking of you.

  15. A loud woot woot to celebrate your great news!
    Sorry to hear about the OHSS! Hope the paracentesis helps eliminate the swelling and pressure.

  16. Congratulations!! Wishing you a happy & healthy nine months!!! Awesome beta #!

  17. Tap,tap,tap,tap,tap,tap tap tap! That is me doing a happy dance-CONGRATS!!!!

  18. congratulations! That is great news. I hear you on the loss issue. Take it easy and revel in the fact that you are pregnant! (I did a lot of putting my feet up the week after bfp!)
    Sticky luck!

  19. Yay, yay, YAY!!!

    I'm super duper excited for you! Excellent beta!

    Hope you get some relief from the paracentesis.

    Can't stop smiling for you!

  20. YAYAYAYAY! I knew it! Congrats, sweets. Be prepared for major stalkage from me.

  21. Sending "sticky vibes" "baby dust" lighting candles, prayer flags, good thoughts, and whatever it takes for all to go the baby way.


  22. so exciting, congratulations!!

  23. Yeee-haw! I'm so happy for you. Congratulations, and good luck!

  24. Sooooo happy for you!
